Before looking for the answer in other pages: Novices are men who dare to begin a new life in a congregation. Who desire to follow their impulse to engage for other people. Men who want to live with us in our Congregation, to seek God in meditation and prayer, and to commit themselves in solidarity to poor people. To children and young people from the outskirts of Potim in Brazil, to homeless people in Düsseldorf in Germany, or to Mexican refugees in the south of the USA.
In the beginning, no one can say whether this form of love for our next and the life in a congregation that follows the steps of St. Francis is really the best for him. The time in the novitiate helps to make experiences and decisions.
We currently have no novitiates in the USA and Germany. So we are offering to interested men an international novitiate in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil. The coordinator is Brother Acacio.
Feel free to contact us. We look forward to personal contact and an initial, non-binding discussion.