Our faith is like a dialogue with God. Conversations, the celebration of the Eucharist or even silence and listening are a way that God goes to people and that we go to God. Christian faith happens in close union with Jesus, the touchable God. His words are spirit and life. Listening to him leads to a great expanse and keeps us alive. As Brothers, we walk the path of faith no differently than any human being - perhaps sometimes doubting, but mostly trusting.
To realize God's idea of a life similar to Jesus today in community with others is also faith for us. A faith that is given hand and foot. In life with our confreres and with all those to whom we are close in different ways. We Friars of the Poor of St. Francis are men of action and offer concrete help through our lived faith.
Franciscan spirituality strengthens our faith as we listen to the words of our religious father and look at his life. Like him, praise God, read the Bible, accept all people as brothers and sisters.