We Brothers are happy about financial support, because we do not receive public subsidies from the state or the church. Donations are therefore important for the continuation of our work for needy people. With your support, you ensure our pastoral and social commitment to the Poor and those who are on the margins of society. Our donation accounts:
Ordensgemeinschaft der Armen- Brüder e.V.
PAX Bank Aachen
IBAN: DE 62 3706 0193 1004 0000 28
Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis
Fifth Third Bank
RTN: 042000314
Lar São Judas Tadeu
Bradesco Bank
Agentur: 0216
Konto: 2227-6
CNPJ: 47.564.851/0001-20
You would like to support a specific project? Then please use the following purpose for the transfer. Financial aid for foreign countries will of course be forwarded without deductions.
Brazil: Lunch for children from very poor families
Germany: Housing for homeless people
USA: Integration aid for young emigrants from Mexico